钍基核裂变能全国重点实验室 |
熔盐机械工程技术部 |
仪控工程技术部 |
熔盐化学工程技术部 |
材料研究部 |
钍铀循环化学部 |
应用化学技术部 |
氚科学与工程技术部 |
核与辐射安全技术部 |
应用加速器技术部 |
反应堆运行技术部 |
Heavy metal pollution has attracted increasing attention as a serious global environmental issue due to its persistence and high toxicity. In northern Idaho, a century of mining and smelting operations in the mining district in Silver Valley has contaminated the Coeur d’Alene River-Lake System and resulted in the accumulation of significant amounts of lead, zinc, cadmium and other heavy metals in the sediments. Heavy metals can be easily transported into the surface water and affect the water quality of the Coeur d'Alene River-Lake area. Problem of heavy metal pollution is more worse than anywhere in the world.
Novel magnetic nanosorbents have been developed in our lab for separation of metal ions from aqueous systems, which offers a simple, fast, effective, and environmentally benign technique in wastewater treatment and spent nuclear separation. Our current study has coupled DTPA chelators to double coated magnetic nanoparticles (dMNPs). The dMNP-DTPA conjugates is an effective and excellent nanosorbent for cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) adsorption. The adsorption of Cd or Pb onto the dMNP-DTPA conjugates was fast which reached the equilibrium in 30. The calculated sorption capacities were 8.06 mg/g for Cd and 12.09 mg/g for Pb. Desorption of metal ions and regeneration of the sorbents was achieved by 0.1 M HCl stripping, which showed that the dMNP-DTPA conjugates can be reused more than 15 sorption/desorption cycles without significant decrease in sorption efficiency. The results of the magnetic separation dynamics provide useful data for the future magnetic separation device design in a continuous flow system.