钍基核裂变能全国重点实验室 |
熔盐机械工程技术部 |
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熔盐化学工程技术部 |
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氚科学与工程技术部 |
核与辐射安全技术部 |
应用加速器技术部 |
反应堆运行技术部 |
Relativistic heavy-ion collisions provide an ideal environment to study the emergent phenomena in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). The chiral magnetic effect (CME) is one of the most interesting, arising from the topological charge fluctuations of QCD vacua, immersed in a strong magnetic field. An observation of the CME-induced charge separation would confirm several fundamental properties of QCD, namely, the approximate chiral symmetry restoration, non-trivial topological structures of the QCD vacuum, and local P and CP violations. It could also explain the magnitude of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the present universe. Since the first measurement nearly a decade ago of the possibly CME-induced charge correlation, extensive studies have been devoted to background contributions to those measurements at RHIC and LHC. Many new ideas and techniques have been developed to reduce or eliminate the backgrounds. I will discuss the current status of the experimental search for the CME, especially the recent progresses in the understanding of the background issues, and new ideas devised to search for the CME free of background contamination.
2015 - now, Post-doctoral research associate, Purdue University.
2013 - 2015, Post-doctoral research associate, Central China Normal University.
2007 - 2013, Ph. D, Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.