学术报告: DNA molecule-based self-assembled nanomachines

报告题目: DNA molecule-based self-assembled nanomachines
报 告 人: Professor Itamar Willner
          ------The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
时    间: 10月8日上午10:30 
地    点: 嘉定学术活动中心一楼多功能厅  
Itamar Willner completed his Ph.D. studies at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1978. After postdoctoral research at U.C. Berkeley, he joined the Institute of Chemistry at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he was appointed as Professor in 1986. He coauthored over 750 research papers and monographs, and he serves on many editorial boards of journals. His research interests include bioelectronics and molecular electronics, nanobiotechnology, and, specifically, DNA-based nanotechnology, sensors and biosensors, functional monolayer and thin film assemblies, light-induced electron-transfer processes and artificial photosynthesis, and supramolecular chemistry. He is the recipient of the Kolthoff Award, The Max-Planck Research Award for International Cooperation, the Israel Chemical Society Award (2001), the Israel Prize in Chemistry (2002), the Rothschild Prize (2008), and the EMET Prize (2008). He is a member of the Israel Academy of Sciences, the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, and the European Academy of Sciences and Arts.