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报告人:Dr. Marina Perez Ferragut
1: Nuclear Power Station System Analysis code RELAP5
2:Uncertainty and Sensitivity analysis of RELAP5
3:Uncertainty package in RELAP5
[1997-2002] Degree in Physical Sciences by the University of Barcelona (UB Barcelona, Spain)
[November 2011] PhD in Nuclear Engineering by the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC Barcelona, Spain) “Integration of a quantitative-based selection procedure in an uncertainty analysis methodology for NPP safety analysis”, thesis supervisor Francesc Reventos Puigjaner, funding support from Spanish Nuclear Regulatory Body (CSN).
[2003, today] Research activities in UPC on RELAP5 code simulations and uncertainty analysis of RELAP5 code calculations:
- [2003,2011] BEMUSE: Best Estimate Methodologies – Uncertainty and Sensitivity Evaluation.
- Calculations for Spanish NPPs (Asco and Vandellos)
- Master in Nuclear Engineering (RELAP5 lessons)
[2010, today]Working in Innovative Systems Software (ISS) on code development and training activities.