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报告题目:Microfluidic- and photo- control of DNA higher-order structure for biological and nanotechnological applications
报 告 人:Sergii Rudiuk( 法国巴黎CNRS )
报告时间:2014年5月23日 星期五 上午10:00
DNA is one of the most important biological molecules which stores and transmits from generation to generation all necessary information for existence and reproduction of living cells and organisms. Specific physico-chemical properties of DNA such as very high negative charge density and presence of two strands are the origin of important biological functions, like control of gene expression and DNA replication. In this talk I’ll describe several approaches to affect and to control the biological functions of DNA by acting at the level ofphysico-chemical DNA properties. First, a microfluidic approach will be described, in which a positioning of a longitudinal multicomponent microfluidic interface perpendicular to DNA enables the control of intramolecular DNA unzipping with spatio-temporal resolution. Second approach will consist in a photo-control of DNA higher-order structure via photosensitive DNA compacting agents, and its applications for control with light of the gene expression and enzymatic activity. Finally, the possibility of combining specific properties of DNA with properties of proteins via DNA-protein conjugation will be described in the last part of the presentation.