报 告 人:王皞 博士 (中国科学院金属研究所)
1. H. Wang*, D. S. Xu, R. Yang. Defect clustering upon dislocation annihilation in α-titanium and α-zirconium with hexagonal close-packed structure. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 22, 085004 (2014)
2. H. Wang*, D. S. Xu, P. Veyssière, R. Yang. Interstitial loop strengthening upon deformation in aluminum via molecular dynamics simulations. Acta Materialia 61, 3499 (2013)
3. H. Wang*, D. S. Xu, D. Rodney, P. Veyssière, R. Yang. Atomistic investigation of the annihilation of non-screw dislocation dipoles in Al, Cu, Ni and γ-TiAl. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 21, 025002 (2013)
4. H. Wang*, D. Rodney, D. S. Xu, R. Yang, P. Veyssière. Defect kinetics on experimental timescales using atomistic simulations. Philosophical Magazine 93, 186 (2013)
5. Hao Wang*, David Rodney, Dongsheng Xu, Rui Yang, Patrick Veyssière. Pentavacancy as the key nucleus for vacancy clustering in aluminum. Physical Review B 84, 220103(R) (2011)
6. H. Wang*, D. S. Xu, R. Yang, P. Veyssière. The formation of stacking fault tetrahedra in Al and Cu: I. Dipole annihilation and the nucleation stage. Acta Materialia 59, 1 (2011)
7. H. Wang*, D. S. Xu, R. Yang, P. Veyssière. The formation of stacking fault tetrahedra in Al and Cu: II. SFT growth by successive absorption of vacancies generated by dipole annihilation. Acta Materialia 59, 10 (2011)
8. H. Wang*, D. S. Xu, R. Yang, P. Veyssière. The formation of stacking fault tetrahedra in Al and Cu: III. Growth by expanding ledges. Acta Materialia 59, 19 (2011)
9. H. Wang, D. S. Xu*, R. Yang, P. Veyssière. The transformation of narrow dislocation dipoles in selected fcc metals and in γ-TiAl. Acta Materialia 57, 3725 (2009)
10. H. Wang, D. S. Xu*, R. Yang, P. Veyssière. The transformation of edge dislocation dipoles in aluminium. Acta Materialia 56, 4608 (2008)