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报告题目:Perspectives on Materials Science in 3D and 4D
报 告 人:Dorte Juul Jensen (丹麦技术大学,丹麦两院院士)
The use of powerful 3D and 4D characterization techniques has enabled detailed analyses of materials microstructures in 3D with micron or even sub-micron spatial resolution and to follow the microstructural evolution over time during for example mechanical loading or annealing. This has led to results challenging today’s understanding of key phenomena. In this presentation, the development of the so-called 3D X-ray Diffraction (3DXRD) technique is described from idea to implementation, and examples of key experiments are given. These experiments would not have been possible without the 3DXRD technique. Limitations of 3DXRD are discussed. On-going technique development and a complementary x-ray method are presented. Finally, challenges and suggestions for the future success of 3D/4D materials science are discussed.
Prof. Dorte Juul Jensen是丹麦技术大学教授,材料科学与先进表征部主任, 丹麦科学院院士、丹麦工程院院士,是 三维材料科学发起人之一、三维X射线衍射显微学和电子背散射衍射技术创始人之一,在Science等发表论文300余篇,他引4000余次。