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报告题目:Understanding Hypernuclear Interactions at Hyperon Factory – RHIC
报 告 人:Neha Shah(中国科学院上海应用物理研究所)
The study of baryon-baryon interactions are of fundamental importance to understand existence of strangelets in heavy-ion collisions and various exotic hadrons, modeling of astronomical objects such as neutron stars. A detailed knowledge of nucleon-nucleon (NN) potentials exists in literature, however very little is known about interactions between anti-nucleons. Similarly lack of scattering data for hyperon-nucleon (YN) and multi-strange hyperon-hyperon (YY) systems makes it difficult to construct YN and YY potentials. In heavy-ion collisions, a large number of baryons are produced in each nucleus-nucleus collision, which allows us to study the NN, YN and YY interactions. Measurements of two-particle correlation function are used to study the space-time dynamics of the source created in heavy-ion collisions. At low relative momentum, the two-particle correlations are effected by the Final State Interactions (FSI), making it possible to measure FSI between NN, YN and YY. In this talk, a novel method to use measurement of the two-particle correlation function in heavy-ion collisions to understand these interactions and their implications on the existence of exotic dibaryons will be discussed.
- PhD 2005 - 2011
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India (Prof. Raghava Varma)
PhD Thesis: " Experimental study of pp$\eta$ dynamics with WASA-at-COSY
- Postdoctoral Fellow 2011 - 2014
University of California Los Angeles, USA (Prof. Huan Z. Huang)
- CAS-PIFI Postdoctoral Fellow, March, 2015 - 2017
Postdoctoral Fellow, March, 2017 - Present
Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, CAS (Prof. Yu Gang Ma)