David Boilley
Associate professor at University of Caen - Normandie Researcher at GANIL (Large National Heavy-Ions Accelerator)
1987 – 1991, Studies at Ecole Normale Supe?rieure de Lyon
1991-1993, PhD in theoretical nuclear physics, University of Caen and GANIL
1993-1994, Post-doc at the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, JSPS fellow under the direction of Yasuhisa Abe
1994-~, Associate prof. at University of Caen and researcher at GANIL, Caen
1997-2004, Regular visiting scientist at the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
2006-~, Regular visiting scientist at the Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University
Main publications related to super-heavy elements
Diffusion over a saddle with a Langevin equation
Y. Abe, David Boilley, B. Giraud and T. Wada, Physical Review E61 (2000) 1125-1133
Inverse Kramers formula and heavy ions fusion dynamics
David Boilley, Y. Abe and J.D. Bao, European Physical Journal A18 (2003) 627-631
KEWPIE : a dynamical cascade code for decaying excited compound nuclei
Bertrand Bouriquet, Yasuhisa Abe and David Boilley, Computer Physics Communications 159 (2004) 1-18
What can we learn from the fission time of the super-heavy elements?
David Boilley, Anthony Marchix, David Wilgenbus, Yoann Lallouet, Florian Gimbert, Yasuhisa Abe, invited contribution to the International workshop on nuclear dynamics in heavy-ion reactions and neutron stars, July 2007 Beijing Normal University, International Journal of Modern Physics E17 (2008) 1681-1693
Non-Markovian diffusion over a parabolic potential barrier: Influence of the friction-memory function
B. Yilmaz, S. Ayik, Y. Abe and D. Boilley, Physical Review E77 (2008) 011121
Analysis of the fusion hindrance in mass-symmetric heavy ion reactions
SHEN CaiWan, ABE Yasuhisa, LI QingFeng & BOILLEY David, Science in China G 52 (2009) 1458-1463, invited paper.
On the predictions of the models for the Super-Heavy Elements
David Boilley, Yasuhisa Abe, Caiwan Shen and Bu?lent Yilmaz, 12th conference on nuclear reaction mechanisms, Varenna, June 2009, CERN-Proceedings-2010-001 (2010) 479-486
Investigation of deep inelastic reactions in 238U + 238U at Coulomb barrier energies
C. Golabek, S. Heinz, W. Mittig, F. Rejmund, A.C.C. Villari, S. Bhattacharyva, D. Boilley, G. De France, A. Drouart, L. Gaudefroy, L. Giot, V. Maslov, M. Morjean, G. Mukherjee, Yu. Penionzkevich, P. Roussel-Chomaz, and C. Stodel, European Physical Journal A43 (2010) 251- 259
Fusion hindrance in reactions with very heavy ions: Border between normal and hindered fusion
Caiwan Shen, David Boilley, Qingfeng Li, Junjie Shen and Yasuhisa Abe, Physical Review C83 (2011) 054620
Fusion hindrance of heavy ions: role of the neck
David Boilley, Hongliang Lu?, Caiwan Shen, Yasuhisa Abe and Bertrand B. Giraud, Physical Review C84 (2011) 054608
用反 48Ca+254 Es 合成 119 号元素的可能性研究 (Possible Way to Synthesize Element 119 with Reaction 48Ca+254 Es)
沈彩万(SHEN Caiwan), Yasuhisa Abe, David Boilley, Nuclear Physics Review 30 (2013) 288
Fission Barrier of Superheavy Nuclei and Persistence of Shell Effects at High Spin: Cases of No254 and Th220
Greg Henning, T. L. Khoo, A. Lopez-Martens, D. Seweryniak, M. Alcorta, M. Asai, B. B. Back2, P. F. Bertone, D. Boilley, M. P. Carpenter, C. J. Chiara, P. Chowdhury, B. Gall, P. T. Greenlees, G. Gu?rdal, K. Hauschild, A. Heinz, C. R. Hoffman, R. V. F. Janssens, A. V. Karpov, B. P. Kay, F. G. Kondev, S. Lakshmi, T. Lauritsen, C. J. Lister, E. A. McCutchan, C. Nair, J. Piot, D. Potterveld, P. Reiter, A. M. Rogers, N. Rowley, and S. Zhu, Physical Review Letters 113 (2014) 262505
KEWPIE2: A Cascade Code for the Study of Dynamical Decay of Excited Nuclei.
Hongliang Lu, A. Marchix, Y. Abe, D. Boilley, Computer Physics Communications 200 (2016) 381-399
Synthesis of superheavy elements: Uncertainty analysis to improve the predictive power of reaction models
Hongliang Lu, David Boilley, Yasuhisa Abe and Caiwan Shen, Physical Review C94, 034616 (2016)
2011 Co-chair of the Workshop on Future SHE Strategy, Weilrod (Germany);
2016 Member of the International Advisory Committee of the International Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics Xinxiang (Henan), China
2018 Member of the organizing committee of the First China-France Joint Nuclear Physics Symposium, Caen, France
2018 Member of the International Advisory Committee of the International Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Huzhou, China