学术报告:On nuclear astrophysics with indirect methods and a new facility at IFIN-HH Bucharest, Romania
学术报告:Hadron Physics Experiments with Photon Beams at LEPS and LEPS2
学术报告:Ionic protein-lipid interaction: what can the charge do
学术报告:欧洲X射线自由电子激光(European X-ray Free Electron Laser)进展
学术报告:Interfacing DNA with metal ions, metal oxides, and metal nanoparticles
学术报告:Optimizing Protein Folding With a Parallel-Processing, Iterative Annealing Machine
学术报告:Actinides in the Gas Phase:Clarifying Established Chemistry; Revealing New Chemistry
学术报告:charge partitioning in asymmetric diblock polyampholyte chains and polyelectrolyte complexes
学术报告:Azimuthal anisotropy may not be what we think it is
学术报告:Dark matter search results from PandaX-I Experiment
学术报告:Electron, proton and water transfer along the catalytic cycle of the Photosystem II
学术报告:Endogenous Network Appraoch to Cancer Gensis and Progression
学术报告:In Situ/operando Soft X-ray Spectroscopy Characterization of Interfacial Phenomena in Energy Materials and Devices
学术报告:Recent Developments on Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy at Canadian Light Source
学术报告:Soft matter at and beyond the limits of soft x-ray microscopy
学术报告:Overview of the TLK R&D activities related to tritium processing; development of specific measurements technics
学术报告:Development of the PERMCAT system at TLK; overview of the TLK infrastructure